2. Analysis Cockpit Setup

This chapter walks you through the necessary steps to set up the Analysis Cockpit for use with a cluster of Elasticsearch nodes.

2.1. Prerequisites

The Elasticsearch Cluster setup requires:

  • A fully functional installation of Analysis Cockpit version 4.x

  • At least two additional nodes with a similar high-end spec

  • High-performance low-latency networking between all nodes

  • All the nodes have a FQDN and can resolve each other's FQDNs and the Analysis Cockpit's FQDN

2.2. Analysis Cockpit preparation

After installation, the Analysis Cockpit runs with a single local Elasticsearch instance as usual. To prepare it for use with a cluster, run es-cluster-setup.sh:

nextron@cockpit4:~$ sudo /usr/share/asgard-analysis-cockpit/scripts/es-cluster-setup.sh

The script will configure Elasticsearch in the following way:

  • The Analysis Cockpit node continues to be the master node but data is automatically moved away from it once possible.

  • SSL certificates are used for authentication of nodes.

  • Any number of data nodes can be added with exactly the same configuration and certificate (as long as they are reachable).


The script will display two errors (xpack.security.transport.ssl...) which can be ignored. These are due to the fact that the script is setting up the configuration for the cluster node.

2.3. Resulting Elasticsearch configuration

The Elasticsearch configuration can be found in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml. It will look like the following:

 1cluster.name: elasticsearch
 2cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._name: elastic-test-01.nextron
 3path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch
 4path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
 5node.roles: [ master, data, ingest ]
 6http.host: "_local:ipv4_"
 7transport.host: "_site:ipv4_"
 8discovery.seed_hosts: [ elastic-test-01.nextron ]
 9cluster.initial_master_nodes: [ elastic-test-01.nextron ]
10search.default_allow_partial_results: false
11xpack.security.enabled: true
12xpack.security.enrollment.enabled: false
13xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled: false
15  enabled: true
16  verification_mode: certificate
17  client_authentication: required
18  keystore.path: /etc/elasticsearch/elastic-certificates.p12
19  truststore.path: /etc/elasticsearch/elastic-certificates.p12

The configuration:

  • Designates the Analysis Cockpit node as the (only) cluster master.

  • Automatically moves existing data away from the Analysis Cockpit node, and distributes it across the other nodes.

  • TLS security is enabled so that nodes authenticate by certificate.

2.4. Cluster Node configuration

In addition to reconfiguring the Analysis Cockpit, es-cluster-setup.sh will create a configuration file clusternode.conf which contains the required configuration for additional nodes to join the cluster. The file can be found on your Analysis Cockpit in the home directory of the nextron user (/home/nextron).

If you executed the script as root user, the file will be located in /usr/share/asgard-analysis-cockpit/scripts/clusternode.conf.

Download this configuration file for further usage in our Nextron Universal Installer (Cluster Node Setup).

2.5. Restarting Elasticsearch

Finally, restart elasticsearch so that it picks up the new configuration:

nextron@cockpit4:~$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

Your Analysis Cockpit is now ready to be used in a cluster setup.